Monday, February 19, 2007

Wow, Spring is in the Cyprus air and it seems the New Turkish Lira, YTL likes it

Just over a week ago I blogged on how it seemed that YTL was getting stronger than the pound. Just checked out the exchange rate, and as it was promising all last week, its now back to 2.6 level, OK at the higher level but still back in there and promising to go lower yet. Will see what happens tomorrow.

Dont forget if you want to look in you will find the exchange rate updated twice a day and a record of the past seven days.

The title said spring is in the air in Cyprus and it certainly does feel like that, todays lunchtime temperatures reached 18C 64F at Ercan, if any flights were comming in today from the UK I bet it lifted the hearts of the travellers when they left the plane for the tarmac and felt the sun and warmth that we are now enjoying. Fingers crossed a couple more degrees and it will be time to get those shorts out of hibernation, can't wait.

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