Friday, January 12, 2007

Cold Cyprus


How are you managing with the cold snap and problems with power cuts?

OK 55f in January to anyone living in the UK is not that cold but for some of us here living in older houses I can promise its cold enough. Added together with the power cuts we have been having of late its seems like winter has got a sting in its tail.

Even now with the power cuts we are getting at the moment its still not really a problem, nothing like it used to be 5 years ago. 5 years ago unlike now, the local restaurants didn't all have generators so when the power failed out came the candles and everyone, customers and staff alike run round lighting them. These nights would have been some of the buisiest nights the restaurants had. With no TV, no cooking facility and no heat what was there to do but get down to the local bar and join everyone in the same position as you.

For me if the power went out during the day then it was a time to sit down have a cuppa and maybe write some of the letters I had been meaning to write. A nice time when there was nothing you could do but to relax, pick up a book, play a game of cards whatever. You couldn't do any washing, vacuming so it didn't matter if the house looked untidy, everyone was in the same boat.

Ok so you couldn't cook a meal in the evening, that wasn't a problem either, get yourself dressed as best you could in the dark, and meet everyone a the local restaurant, better still if they had a roaring fire going. Didn't matter if getting ready in the dark you put your makeup on too thick or you had put rouge on your eyes, by candlelight it would look perfect just as everyother lady in the place. Only problem is if you had planned to go out and had just finished washing your hair when the power went. Oh well so it would look like you had taken the wet look just a little to far.

Funny how something like a power cut makes you remember back.

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